Who we are

Radiance Family Day Homes is a licensed agency that has been operating in Calgary since 1985.

We believe that:

  • Every child is unique

  • All children, including children with special or diverse needs, are entitled to play, explore, love, learn, interact with others, share and be listened to in a safe and caring environment

  • A child’s development is supported by the warmth and caring they receive from the adults in their lives, especially parents and Educators

  • Family child care offers the child the individual attention that he/she needs for optimum growth and development

  • Child care must not displace but supplement the care parents give to their children

  • Child care in a family child care setting offers a viable option for parents seeking quality child care arrangements

  • Parents need support networks around them as they raise their families.

We strive to:

  • Provide an environment that enables all children to participate to their fullest potential in the ordinary and extra-ordinary experiences in the family child care setting

  • Help Educators in their commitment to offer a safe and healthy environment for the children and to understand and respect the different needs of families

  • Support Educators in their day to day work with the children

  • Support the child/Educator/parent relationship

  • Promote clarity and stability through policies and procedures which explain mutual roles and responsibilities in the care arrangement

  • Provide the best referral for every child based on the family’s choice and the child’s needs

Our goal is to be part of Calgary’s families support network by providing quality, trustworthy child care.

For more information, call 403-589-4625 or email us